1st GREENERING International Conference

1st GREENERING International Conference, framed in the GREENERING COST Action (CA18224), was held online on 15-16 February 2021.


1st greenering conference


This two-days event, hosted by DES Solutio, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, gather 150 participants from the whole Europe. From the field of green chemistry 35 lectures were given, and 96 posters presented. During the conference 3 best posters were awarded in the PhD and ECI category.

We are more than satisfied with the conference success and outcomes. Thank you all who contributed and participated!


1st greenering conference


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Action Details

  • MoU - 041/19
  • CSO Approval date - 04/06/2019
  • Start of Action - 14/10/2019
  • End of action- 13/04/2024
    Former end of action - 13/10/2023