(Times New Roman, 14, bold, centered, capital letters)
Surname First name initial.1, Surname First name initial.2
(Times New Roman, 11, italic, bold, centered; the corresponding author should be underlined; Superscript numbers indicating affiliation and should appear after authors name, e.g. Smith J.1)
1Name of the institution, street name and number, postal code and city, country
2 Name of the institution, street name and number, postal code and city, country
(superscript numbers, Times New Roman, 11, italic, centered)
(Times New Roman, 12, justified, single-spaced)
The abstract should make reference to the most relevant backgrounds, significant results and contribution conclusions. It should not exceed one A4 page in the given format and preferably should be written without any references. In a A4 sheet use a margin of 3 cm on the top, while 2.5 cm-s should be used on the right, left and bottom. Formulas should be centralized and numbered on the right.
Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 etc. (maximum 5 words, Times New Roman, 11, italic)
Corresponding author email:
Acknowledgements: (if any, Times New Roman, 11, italic; one line space above)